Spritual Growth


God won’t hear you!

Speaker: | September 19, 2017

A common misconception that many feel good churches put out is that if you just pray, God will listen and your prayers will be answered.  Unfortunately, I can’t say that it is true. In 2...

Lies of the Church

| May 08, 2017

Sometimes I feel Satan’s best ally is the Church.  We have been told so many untruths from pastors with good intentions.  Over the years, I have always felt something was incomplete when we were told...


True vs. False Repentance

Speaker: | May 21, 2015

Isaac’s son Jacob has coerced and tempted his brother, Esau, into giving him his birthright. At the same time, Jacob has lied and deceived his father, Isaac, into giving Jacob the blessing that should have...