Sermons by Rick Rios


God won’t hear you!

Speaker: | September 19, 2017

A common misconception that many feel good churches put out is that if you just pray, God will listen and your prayers will be answered.  Unfortunately, I can’t say that it is true. In 2...



Speaker: | May 21, 2015

We’re going to talk about a place called hell. The first reason is Jesus taught on the subject of hell, and He taught on the subject of hell at length. The second reason is that...


True vs. False Repentance

Speaker: | May 21, 2015

Isaac’s son Jacob has coerced and tempted his brother, Esau, into giving him his birthright. At the same time, Jacob has lied and deceived his father, Isaac, into giving Jacob the blessing that should have...

From Lifeless to Lordship

Speaker: | May 21, 2015

Have you ever been in an environment or situation in which something you had to do was so difficult you wanted to quit, but you hung in there because the result of enduring was worth...

What Will Heaven Be Like?

Speaker: | May 21, 2015

In 1 Corinthians 2:9 (ESV), the Scripture says: “But, as it is written no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.” This...


Religion vs. the Gospel

Speaker: | May 21, 2015

For the last forty or fifty years in the American church, we have quit teaching the gospel for the most part. A lot of us grew up in churches where what we were taught was...


The Trinity

Speaker: | May 21, 2015

In telling the story of Jesus’ baptism, Mark is tying Jesus directly back to the story of creation and giving us an amazing glimpse into the inner working of the eternal relationship of the Trinity....